July Fair
Sue Proctor and her committee have earned our respect and heartfelt thanks for the great job done in bringing about the July Fair at the Springville Museum of Art on July 17th. Many hours were spent in the setting up, the compilation of the beautiful and informative booklets sold, the bake sale, the garage sale, the silent auction, and many more details too numerous to mention. The day was sunny and inviting. The classes taught were fun to attend. Those who did take the classes were able to learn new skills in many different areas of quilting.
Thank you to all those who put their quilts into the show. They were all breath taking and marvelous to view. Congratulations to the winners. We are proud of you!
The quilts will be on display until September 4, 2013. So if you haven't had the opportunity to see the 40th Annual Quilt Show at the Springville Museum of Art, please take the opportunity to do so.